Treats bet the house on kindness


The Treats app launched to the US college market, with the team crossing their fingers for user engagement. (Lesson learned: always be user testing). The design team supported that launch across web, video ads, on-campus events, ambassador swag, email campaigns, you name it.




on-Campus swag

"Khamari got his $20 bill and free t-shirt, come get yours now! #treatitforward #treatyoself"

"fresh shirts just in @clinkle"

We offered students at the TreatsBot free swag in exchange for posting about the event


web marketing


in-app promo content


TreatsBot promotion

In late 2014, the CEO took the company's leadership to an off-site, to brainstorm fixes for dismal user acquisition numbers. At the time, we were paying on-campus groups up to $20 per enrolled user. Even with $20 as bait, only 9% of the students wanted to sign up for a new debit card. A fundraising round was coming up: we needed to 10x user acquisition within a month.

Reframe: how could we offer $20, and hook students every time?

With a magical vending machine full of $20 bills, of course! I bought a fleet of six snack vending machines, reskinned them, stocked them with $20 bills, and rewired the TreatsBot to only vend a bill when a new user pays the Bot 1ยข.

It was outrageously successful.


Concept by Rob Ryan, Illustration by Matt Chalwell (

Direction by Rob Ryan

Illustration by Justin Pervorse

Direction by Rob Ryan

Illustration by Justin Pervorse

The TreatsBot promotion soon became the company's most effective acquisition strategy


email marketing

Clinkle's customers are overwhelmingly college students. Marketing to students over email means mobile-first designs with plenty of humor and joy.