police are killing innocent people across America
It's taken years for mainstream media to give real credence to police violence. Marginalized populations (especially African-Americans and Latinos) have insisted for years that police can be indiscriminate with force, attack innocent children, and cover-up their crimes. Now we have video proof.
in reply, three friends and I made Megaphone
Megaphone is an app for iOS and Android that streams video anonymously and publicly. As soon as you open the app, it's already streaming video anonymously to our website, and geo-tagged so other activists can see it.
Android experience
brand identity
An important cause deserves a strong identity. The team knew we were looking for a brand that connects with activists but isn't overtly hostile to police (like "CopStop," our first name). The mark itself needed to plucky; it shouldn't echo violence, but offer a way to fight it. And the brand overall needed feel like a public amenity, not a Valley video-streaming app.
I drew on the blocky line-art of the activist Keith Haring for the mark. The plucky little walking megaphone marches undaunted, with her recording light winking boldly in front of her. The word "megaphone" is intended as entendre: the app is both a familiar activist tool and should make your phone mega. The type is Interstate, a close match for public road signs across America. And for the color palette, I balanced an overtly socialist red with neutral techy tones.